How to use Microsoft Surface with your iPhone

Not every iPhone user gets to ain an iPad, some get by using a Microsoft Surface

Apple, Microsoft, iOS, iPhone, Surface, iCloud
Mark Hachman / IDG

Non every iPhone user gets to own an iPad, some become past using a Microsoft Surface – the good news is that the two systems work well together for pictures, files and contacts.

Set up iCloud for Windows

If yous accept an Apple ID (and you should if you ain an iPhone) then you tin can prepare iCloud for Windows on your Surface (though it is not uniform with Surface devices running Windows ten in South manner). I went into a trivial more detail on this procedure here, but the basic instructions follow:

  • Download and install iCloud for Windows for your Surface.
  • Restart your Microsoft device and you should be asked to sign into your iCloud account.
  • If you lot are not asked, then you tin access this via Commencement>Search for iCloud.
  • Y'all should sign in with your Apple ID.

You lot will then be able to select what you lot want to sync to your Surface:  iCloud Bulldoze, Photos, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks and Bookmarks all sync, giving you a wonderfully platform-agnostic toolkit.

Of course, with just 5GB of free data bachelor to any iCloud user, it makes sense to employ Microsoft's more generously portioned OneDrive service for about of your online backup if y'all are already in the Microsoft space.

Set up and utilise OneDrive

If yous apply Function 365 then you already have admission to OneDrive, Microsoft's own heavy-syncing Dropbox/iCloud competitor. You tin can use this to sync content between Microsoft apps on both devices, or to automatically sync images captured on your iPhone to your Surface – copies of all your images are then kept deeply on OneDrive.

Setting this up is very uncomplicated. Sign into OneDrive on your Surface, and then download and install the OneDrive app from the App Shop and sign in on your iPhone using your Microsoft account ID. You tin can then select what data you want to sync.

You'll find your OneDrive as a default place from within Microsoft applications. You'll as well find your OneDrive inside your iPhones Files app, though you must enable this. To do then, open Files, tap Edit and then toggle OneDrive to 'On'.

You'll be asked to sign in with your Microsoft ID, in one case yous exercise and so you'll find all your OneDrive files will be made available to y'all in both the app and Apple Files app on your iPhone, and these volition merrily sync across to your Surface and all your other Windows devices.

This is highly useful if you also need to share files with devices that will run OneDrive but are unable to use iCloud Drive.

Tip:To upload images from your iPhone y'all'll need to open the OneDrive app and switch Camera Upload to On in Settings. This volition automatically upload photos and videos to your OneDrive account.

Be wary of this – doing so will devour your OneDrive storage space, but if you do want additional online epitome backup this is useful. It is also helpful if y'all demand to access your iPhone images/videos on your Surface, PC or other devices that cannot access images in iCloud.

Web browsing and Mail

iCloud volition sync bookmarks between both devices, but if yous want a consistent browsing experience, Microsoft recommends installing the Edge browser on your iPhone (the same browser it uses on Surface). Once yous do so you lot'll need to log into your Microsoft account on your iPhone in order to link it to your Surface.

One time you do so y'all'll exist able to open a web page on your iPhone and go along to utilize it on a Surface – though I don't recall this continuity is every bit well-featured every bit you get when you lot use an iPad and iPhone. Even so, it helps maintain a more consistent experience. All you need to do is tap the 'Proceed on PC' button at the bottom of the Edge browser.

I believe many productivity workers still use Outlook for email. This is available for iPhones, too – all you need to do is download information technology, install it and log-in with your Microsoft ID. In one case y'all do and so you'll see all your mail, contact and calendar info across both platforms.

Where to go for further information?

Apple and Microsoft both offer plenty of help and advice for customers attempting to utilise both platforms together. Hither are a few manufactures I think may aid:

  • v clever piffling iCloud tips yous'll probably use
  • How to use iCloud with Windows
  • How exercise I see what's in my iCloud storage?
  • How to setup iCloud Drive
  • Get help using iCloud Bookmarks and Reading List
  • How to set up iCloud sync in seconds
  • How to Create an Alias Electronic mail Accost in iCloud

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