What Happened to Bobby Nash's Family on 911

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'9-ane-1' Epitomize: Time To Address Bobby's Sins (FINALLY)

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ix-1-1 rolled out some other i of its patented flashback episodes this week. But unlike the emotionally satisfying spotlights it'southward shone on Chim and Hen in the past, this calendar week focused on Bobby'southward backstory — a backstory we all basically knew already. Remember that whole thing about how he accidentally burned down an apartment building full of people, including his WIFE AND CHILDREN, because he was drunkard and loftier? Yep, that. "Bobby Begins Once more" is most what happened after that, and how he joined the LAFD.

(Fun fact: all three "flashback" episodes were directed past Jennifer Lynch — who has directed episodes of most all your favorite shows, and yes, is the daughter of David "Twin Peaks" Lynch, equally well.)

Honestly, I sort of respect the show for dragging this function of its story back into focus, considering I'd assumed it had been more often than not swept nether the rug. I figured it was something the writers did for a reaction in season one, then realized maybe information technology was TOO extreme, and they tried to kind of ignore it. After all, no thing how nifty histrion Peter Krause is, and no matter how much elbowroom the audition is willing to give whatever grapheme who has earned Angela Bassett's affection, you're still left trying to sympathize with a character whose "flaws" involved killing 148 people INCLUDING HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. A firefighter … who burned a building down due to negligence! How do y'all justify that? Respond: Come with "reasons" why it wasn't ENTIRELY his mistake, then show how difficult he wants to absolve and how his superiors helped comprehend it all upwardly so he could transfer to the LAFD and go a fresh start. Like shooting fish in a barrel peasy!

Only trouble is that everything the episode walked u.s. through concluding night had already been established — all it did was provide emphasis. It took u.s.a. back to 2014 and allowed us to scout the events unfold rather than hearing Bobby explain them, but the details hadn't changed. Yes, sure — the space heater in his drug den technically started the blaze, but the variety of code violations in the building (faulty circuit breakers, malfunctioning sprinklers, fume alarms with dead batteries) are what really allowed the bonfire to leave of mitt, and that's why Bobby was ultimately cleared in the incident report. Riddled with guilt, he then decides to sober up and dedicate his life to saving as many people as he killed. And even though he didn't lose his chore, he isn't allowed back in the field — because his teammates no longer trust him. And so his boss pulls some strings, glosses over some details, and assist Bobby transfer to Los Angeles for a fresh outset.

Which is where things finally get interesting, because there is a gap in the evidence's chronology that nosotros haven't yet seen: How Bobby first met Chim and Hen! Their background episodes had already established what the station was like when they first joined (RACIST AF). And patently, when the very bad helm got canned for being The Worst, the station got a procession of new captains, none of whom could hack it. Which is why Hen is taking bets on how long the new guy is going to last — not realizing Bobby is already there, sitting in one of the engines and taking inventory on supplies while listening to this whole affair. He pops out and asks what the odds are he'll outlast all of them before dropping his own coin in the pot. But better yet, he impressed Chim enough that he bets on Bobby too. Considering, as always, Chim is The Best.

(Bonus "Chim is the best" scene comes subsequently, as they all bond over their scars, but for Chim to exist like "I don't have any!" OH, YOU WILL, HONEY. JUST You Look.)

This flashback episode also gives u.s.a. plenty of Bobby/Athena interactions — which is probably some other grade-correction from the writers, since Bobby and Athena hooking up at the stop of season one felt more similar fan service than established character progression. This episode fills in their on-the-job intersections, like that time Bobby handed her a very rowdy "assaulter"…

Fact cheque: cockfighting rings are very bad news and not funny, and yes people take died from being attacked by their own weaponized gamecocks. Terminate LAUGHING.

And while we're on the subject, several of the other crazy cases Bobby encountered on his commencement day in LA are also real:

— Tree trimmers getting stuck in palm trees is totally a reoccurring problem! Here's one example from before this year in Fresno, but there were countless examples I could observe (including some fatalities).

— The lady whose head swelled similar a balloon thanks to an allergic reaction at a hair salon? As well REAL. A 19-twelvemonth-one-time woman in France attempted to dye her own hair only suffered an allergic reaction that gave her a "lightbulb head" (her ain words). Hither's a report (in French) that shows you images…

… though I recall 9-i-one did information technology better!

lightbulb head 911.jpg

— The large case of the dark was a man who set fire to his own declining restaurant, hoping to collect the insurance coin to help his family. Information technology'southward not an uncommon tale, really — though at least the show didn't have the arsonist frame his wife as a terrorist — just mostly it served every bit a mirror for Bobby. This man intentionally prepare a fire to try and save his family, and now Bobby, who killed his family in an unintentional fire, has to hold him accountable. But hey, at least he got to sleuth effectually the ashes with Athena every bit they followed their "hunches." Oh sure, is that what the kids are calling it these days?

In the end, the episode brings the action back to the nowadays, where Bobby has been suspended awaiting an LAFD investigation into the events of that apartment fire in St. Paul — events that were discovered thanks to the scrutiny the team underwent during the banking concern heist episode. Bobby'due south squad supports him because — as the episode illustrates — his deportment as their helm have been exemplary. He made them a family, and he is a expert leader. Just as nosotros all know, that's a HELL OF A BACKSTORY TO FORGIVE. And so now Bobby sits before a disciplinary panel who volition determine his future.

I'm sure he'll be fine. But also? I'm glad the show isn't ignoring how very f*cked upwards Bobby Nash's history is.

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Tori Preston is deputy editor of Pajiba. She rarely tweets here but she promises she reads all the submissions for the "Ask Pajiba (Almost) Annihilation" cavalcade at [email protected] . You can likewise mind to her weekly TV podcast, Podjiba

Header Image Source: Play a joke on


Source: https://www.pajiba.com/tv_reviews/911-recap-was-bobby-fired-in-bobby-begins-again.php

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